Grilled Peaches with Vanilla Ice Cream

Welcome to a taste of summer's best! Today we have a special recipe for you. It is called Grilled Peaches with Vanilla Ice Cream. This dish tastes great and it is fun to make.

This grilled peaches recipe will be smoky and sweet and the ice cream will be creamy and delicious! This recipe is a celebration of simplicity and seasonality. It transforms a humble peach into a gourmet dessert that will leave your tastebuds singing. This dessert is a great way to end a BBQ dinner or bring something special to a picnic.

It has warm, sweet peaches and cold, creamy ice cream. It tastes like heaven! So, let's fire up those grills and dive into summer with this delicious recipe!

  • 4 ripe peaches, halved and pitted

  • 1 tbsp. vegetable or canola oil

  • Vanilla ice cream, for serving

  • Honey, for drizzling

  • Flaky sea salt


  1. Preheat the grill to medium-high heat.

  2. To grill peaches, brush them with oil and place them cut-side down on the grill. Grill for 4 to 5 minutes, or until they are soft.

  3. Grill the peaches until they almost fall apart, 4 to 6 minutes.

  4. Serve this meal with ice cream, a drizzle of honey and finish off with a garnish of flaky sea salt.

What are the steps for selecting peaches that are ideal for grilling
What are the steps for selecting peaches that are ideal for grilling?
Selecting the right peaches for grilling can greatly enhance your final dish. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Ripeness: Choose peaches that are ripe but still firm. Overripe peaches can become mushy when grilled, while underripe ones may lack flavor. The fruit should yield slightly to gentle pressure.

  • Size: Medium to large peaches work best for grilling. Small peaches may be more challenging to handle on a grill and can overcook or burn easily.

  • Type: Both yellow and white peaches can be used for grilling, but keep in mind that yellow peaches tend to be a bit more tart, while white peaches are usually sweeter.

  • Skin On or Off: It's generally recommended to leave the skin on when grilling peaches as it helps keep the fruit together. Plus, it adds a nice texture contrast to the soft flesh of the fruit.

  • Check for Blemishes: Avoid peaches with any signs of bruising, discoloration, or cuts, as these can affect the taste and texture of your grilled peaches.

Remember, fresh is always best when it comes to fruit, so try to buy your peaches close to when you plan to grill them.
Here are some tips for making grilled peaches
Here are some tips for making grilled peaches 
Creating a perfect grilled peaches recipe can be simple and rewarding with these helpful tips:

  • Select the Right Peaches: As mentioned earlier, choose firm but ripe peaches. They should give slightly when pressed gently.

  • Prep Your Grill: Make sure your grill is clean and well-oiled to prevent the peaches from sticking. Preheat it to medium heat for optimal grilling.

  • Cut Correctly: Cut the peaches in half and remove the pit. You can also slice them into thick rounds if you prefer smaller pieces.

  • Brush with Oil: Brush each peach half or slice with a bit of oil (like olive or canola) to keep them from sticking to the grill and to enhance caramelization.

  • Grill Time: Grill the peaches cut-side down first for about 4-5 minutes, then flip and grill for another 2-3 minutes. They should be soft and have nice grill marks.

  • Add Flavor: Consider brushing the peaches with a little honey or sprinkle with cinnamon before grilling for extra flavor. You can also add a touch of salt to balance the sweetness.

  • Top It Off: Serve your grilled peaches with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, a dollop of whipped cream, or a drizzle of honey. Fresh mint or basil can add a refreshing contrast.

Remember, the key to a great grilled peaches recipe is to keep it simple and let the natural flavors shine. Enjoy!
Outdoor Kitchen Outlet
End your meal with a delicious twist! Grilled peaches with vanilla ice cream are a sweet, decadent way to finish off any summer barbecue. At Outdoor Kitchen Outlet, we have the perfect grills for creating mouth-watering grilled peach desserts every time. Our grills evenly distribute heat and make it easy to create the perfect outdoor cooking experience. Visit us online or call us at (888) 667-4986.